April 22 brought the last turning point in hitler's road to ruin . 4月22日是希特勒走向毁灭途中的最后转折点。
The road to ruin is always kept in good repair , and the traveller pays the expense of it 通往灭亡的大道是始终保持良好维修的,而其费用则由过路人支付。
There are three roads to ruin : women , gambling and technicians . the most pleasant is with women , the quickest is with gambling , but the surest is with technicians 有三条路让你通向毁灭:女人,赌博和技术。其中,玩女人是最惬意的毁灭之路;赌博是最快的,而技术是最笃定让你走向毁灭的。
Mankind is compelled to choose idea and practice of laying emphasis on development of community after successively experiencing two developmental models to put undue stress on economy or society , in the hope that social development can avoid losing the center - man and following the same old roads to ruin through development of community 人类在先后历经片面注重经济和重视社会这两种发展模式之后,被迫选择了强调社区发展的观念与实践,以避免重蹈单纯追求经济和重视社会的发展覆辙,希望通过社区发展避免社会的发展失掉人这个中心。